Kevin Axtell

Kevin Axtell

Kevin Axtell is the director and co-founder of The Firewalking Center based in Sonora California.

He was personally mentored for over a decade by firewalking legend Tolly Burkan himself who co-founded The Firewalking Center with him in 2012 before retiring. Kevin has been an active instructor since first learning the craft back in 2005.  He also had the opportunity to learn in person from many of the global leaders in firewalking including: Peggy Dylan, Rolph and Owsa Beckman, John Maisel, and Steve Consalvez. All of this has resulted in one of the most well rounded and thorough understandings of firewalking in the world.

In 2009 Kevin acquired his Master Firewalking Instructor Certification and since then he has led Firewalking Instructor trainings all over the world.

His firewalking credits include many television and commercial projects, Such as: A commercial with Pepsi and Superstar Usher, A National Geographic Program with Jeff Goldblum, The History Channel’s “Unexplained” hosted by William Shatner, a Mythbusters Episode, a Rad Girls Episode and a Doritos Commercial, as well as several news segments around the country and documentary features.

In addition to Firewalking,  Kevin is internationally recognized as one the best fire performers on the planet today.

Sessions with Kevin Axtell