What to expect?
You will firewalk with the worlds most experienced firewalkers who will create spectacular firewalks. The program is built on the participants contribution and will be developed almost until the day the Gathering starts.
We recommend you to go to Archive and look at previous programs to get inspiration if you would like to contribute
Day 1
13.00 Arrival, Checking in, getting around
15:00 Drumming
15:15 Welcome & Introduction
15:45 Coffee break = FIKA
16:30 Building the fire
17:30 – 19:00 Dinner
19:00 Swedish Firewalk
Day 2
8:00 Breakfast
10:00 Communicating energy through movement (Carna Siggvardson)
Elemental rituals for eveyday life (Lara rosenberg and Mishawn Mielke)
11:25 10 minutes break
11:35 Speech about GFA (Heather Ash Amara)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 open
14:30 The endless journey of learning (Steve Conzalves)
15:00 Firewalking as an impulse to change your life (Tom Gregor)
15:30 Coffee break = FIKA
15:45 Firewalking versus nervous system (Naomi Mills)
16:15 Celebration of life remebering Rolf (Bence Lazlo Tarr)
16:45 Building the fire
17:30 Dinner
19:00 Firewalk
Day 3
8:00 Breakfast
10:00 Empowering Breathwork (Johan Bergelin)
Vertical artistic of Yoga (Stefanie Greifzu)
11:25 10 minutes break
11:35 Fiery creativity: Tools and practices for firewalks and beyond (Heather Ash Amara)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Dragons, Fairies and Fire (Katie Rutledge & Arantxa Cobos Aguirre)
15:30 Coffee Break = FIKA
15:45 Tie it all topgether: Good closures for new beginings (Owsa Beckman)
16:15 All nations fire planning
16:45 Building the fire
17:30 Dinner
19:00 Firewalk
Nordic Ritual (Jeanette, Rebecka & Johan)
Day 4
8.00 Breakfast
10:00 Clearing and cleaning firewalk grounds + tree planting
11:00 Closing circle
12:15 Ceremony and closing speech
13:00 Departure
Awaiting the 2024 Gathering