2023 – Sju Sjöar, Sweden



Day 1

13.00 Arrival,  Checking in, getting around   

15:00 Drumming 

15:15  Welcome & Introduction

15:45  Coffee break = FIKA 

16:30 Building the fire 

17:30 – 19:00 Dinner 

19:00 Swedish Firewalk 


Day 2

8:00 Breakfast

10:00 Communicating energy through movement (Carna Siggvardson)

Elemental rituals for eveyday life (Lara Rosenberg and Mishawn Mielke)

11:25     10 minutes break

11:35 Speech about GFA  (Heather Ash Amara)

12:30 Lunch 

14:00 open

14:30 The endless journey of learning (Steve Conzalves)

15:00 Firewalking as an impulse to change your life (Tom Gregor)

15:30 Coffee break = FIKA

15:45 Firewalking versus nervous system (Naomi Mills)

16:15 Celebration of life remebering Rolf (Bence Lazlo Tarr & Ása Beckman)

16:45 Building the fire 

17:30 Dinner 

19:00 Rolf Beckman Firewalk 


Day 3

8:00 Breakfast

10:00 Empowering Breathwork (Johan Bergelin)

Vertical artistic of Yoga (Stefanie Greifzu)

11:25    10 minutes break

11:35  Fiery creativity: Tools and practices for firewalks and beyond (Heather Ash Amara)

12:30 Lunch 

14:00 Dragons, Fairies and Fire (Katie Rutledge & Arantxa Cobos Aguirre)

15:30 Coffee Break = FIKA

15:45 Tie it all topgether: Good closures for new beginings (Owsa Beckman)

16:15  All nations fire planning

16:45 Building the fire 

17:30 Dinner 

19:00 Jin&Jang Firewalk 

Nordic Ritual (Jeanette, Rebecka & Johan)


Day 4

8.00 Breakfast

10:00 Clearing and cleaning firewalk grounds + tree planting  

11:00 Closing circle  

12:15  Ceremony and closing speech 

13:00 Departure

Awaiting the 2024 Gathering


Heather Ash Amara

“Fiery Creativity: Tools and Energetic Practices for Firewalks and Beyond”

Ása Beckman

“Tie it all together”

Tom Gregor

“Firewalking as an impulse to change your life”

Ewa Pisera

Mental Freedom

 Lara Rosenberg & Mishawn Mielke

“Elemental ritual for everyday life

Steve Consalvez

“The endless journey of leraning”

Katie Rutledge & Arantxa Cobus Aguirre

“Dragons Fairies and Fire”

Tarr Bence László

“How to deliver safe festive firewalks for 200+ people”

Naomi Mills

“Firewalking from a chiropractor’s perspective”

Carna Sigvardsson

 “Communicating energy through movement”


Organising team


Jeanette Berglin-Hedström and Johan Berglin

Hosts of Swedish Gathering

Owsa Beckman

Martins and Baiba Vecvanags